Articles of Law

Articles of Law

First.Please read APDF’s Articles of Law carefully to get a clear understanding of how APDF collects,uses,protects orotherwise handles your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.The behaviors of visitors to the website is viewed as recognition to this statement;if you have any questions, please negotiate with the website and get the written comments from the website.

First.Please read APDF’s Articles of Law carefully to get a clear understanding of how APDF collects,uses,protects orotherwise handles your Personally Identifiable Information in accordance with our website.The behaviors of visitors to the website is viewed as recognition to this statement;if you have any questions, please negotiate with the website and get the written comments from the website.

Second.Visitors APDF responds to subpoenas, court orders, legal process or to establish orexercise our legal rightsor defend against legal claims.Visitors must not intend to damage or weaken all legal rights of the website,and should not use this site in any way directly or indirectly to engage in violation of Chinese law, international conventions and social morality behaviors.

Third.Information Collection & Use:APDF collects personal information when you register with APDF, when you use APDF products or services and when you enter awards competitions. Upon registration APDF asks for information such as your name, title, company affiliation, mailing address, email address and phone and fax numbers. Once registered and signed in to access our services, you are not anonymous to us. APDF automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser including your IP address, APDF cookie information and the page you request.

Forth.APDF uses information for the following general purposes:

1.To personalize the user experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product offerings in which users are most interested in

2.To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature

3.Fulfill your requests for products and services

4.To improve our website in order to better serve you

5.Conduct research

6.Provide anonymous reporting for internal and external clients

Fifth.The website does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the external links provided for the convenience of the users, and does not take any responsibility for content of the linked web pages. Any content in this website does not indicate the views or opinions of this website.

Sixth.The website will not transfer any personal information that users provide when they register.According to Article Nine, we can not transfer any information in one way to someone without permission.
Seventh.Local government,departments such as judicial organs,in accordance with legal procedures reqiurement toask this website to disclose personal information, this website will be according to the requirement of law enforcement or for the purpose of the public security provision to provide any personal date.In the circumstance of any disclosure,this website is all disclaimer

Eighth.Due to the user tell the personal password to the others or share the registration account with others ,cause any persoanl data reveals.This website will not take any responsibility.

Ninth.Any Force Majeure such as computer problems,hacker attacks,computer viruses inwade or attack ,the government regulation of temporary closure of affect the nomal operation , cause the personal information lost,stolen or been doctored ,etc.,this website is exceptions.

Tenth.Any unit or individual that may suspect of infringement of their legitimate rights and interests of site content, should be written feedback in a timely manner to this site, and provide the identity certificate of the ownership certificate and details of infringement, after receiving the legal documents in this site, will be removed as soon as possible which is accused of infringing content

Eleventh.Copyright statement: part articles in this site come from network, this site does not enjoy the copyright of thearticle, the copyright belongs to the author, if you think this article violation of your interest, please contact us, we will immediately processing it.